It's a good practice to have a look at the glossary before you read the text or go to the comprehension passage.
You can watch the video lesson on glossary and get the complete meanings for difficult words in the lesson.
Word | Parts of speech | Meaning |
nervous | adj | highly excitable; unnaturally apprehensive |
quit | verb | to give up or resign; let go; relinquish |
defeat | verb | to overcome in a contest, election, battle, etc.; prevail over; vanquish |
detour | noun | a roundabout or circuitous way or course, especially one used temporarilywhen the main route is closed |
dead-end | noun | something that has no exit |
charge | verb | to instruct authoritatively, as a judge does a jury |
attorney | noun | a lawyer |
fraudulent | adj | deceptive, false |
humiliate | verb | to cause (a person) a painful loss of pride, self-respect, or dignity; mortify |
beat-up | adj | dilapidated; in poor condition from use |
recipe | noun | a set of instructions for making or preparing something, especially a fooddish |
minister (church) | noun | a person authorized to conduct religious worship; member of the clergy;pastor |
infest | adj | (of insects or animals) be present (in a place or site) in large numbers, typically so as to cause damage or disease |
inspired | verb | to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence |
bounceback | noun | the act or an instance of bouncing back or recovering |
go up | verb | to be consumed by fire |
anew | adv | again / once more / over again |
attitude | noun | manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation, especially of the mind |
altitude | noun | extent or distance upward; height |
broke | adj | lacking money |
fire | verb | to terminate an employment contract of an employee especially for cause of misconduct or poor performance |
inevitable | adj | unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary |
setback | noun | a check to progress; a reverse or defeat |
humility | noun | the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one'sown importance, rank, etc |
overcome | verb | to prevail over (opposition, a debility, temptations, etc); surmount |
stumbling block | noun | an obstacle or hindrance to progress, belief, or understanding |
conceive | verb | to hold as an opinion; think; believe |
gasp | verb | a sudden, short intake of breath |
duck | verb | to lower something into water |
turn blue | idiom | oxynated blood is drained i.e., needed oxyzen |
cinch | noun | certain to happen |
outclassed | verb | to surpass in excellence or quality, especially by a wide margin; be superior |
short-cut | noun | a method, procedure, policy, etc., that reduces the time or energy needed toaccomplish something |
victor | noun | a winner in any struggle or contest |
victim | noun | a person who suffers from a destructive or injurious action or agency |
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